Hi All, Sorry it has been so long since my last blog. I have been moving slow. I did get some pictures taken. Bill took our grandkids out for a day of trout fishing. Chayse caught a trout over 1 1/2 pounds. It was huge. The kittens are five weeks old now. Do you still want two Maureen. I am taking one of the orange females. The other orange ones are a male and a female. Didn't sex the black ones. Some of the plants are ones Cindy gave me. Bill finished my grape arbor. We have 'Vanessa' grapes on each side. They are seedless red grape vines that are two years old. We got them at Valley Nursery. They have tenny tinny grapes on them already. Bill is working on bird feeders for me now. He has one done and working on the second. I am putting them by the window in the livingroom (craft room) so I can see them when I am crafting.
Love, me
I want a kitten they are so cute.... wait I'm allergic, and they don't stay small and cute like that... oh well. Your grandkids are getting so big, they are so cute, how old are they now???
Linda, Kerry only want one litty now. I,d love the calico male. If Patty has a hard time finding homes, I will try and talk Mac into the female calico. Anyway Jackson birthday is the June 20th weekend, Could I come get it by then. If I pay you, will you give it its 1st shots. Ya I know always wantin something from ya. Some things never change. Lets do lunch this week.
Hi Aunt Linda... Love the pictures of the kittens... Nice of you to come and stay with grandma while mom and I get out a bit...
Love kimmie
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