Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lindas Life

I had to show you my smoking sewing machine. I love it.

These are Sams letters, I am going to stick them in the quilt some where.

Hi All,

I have been working on Sams 'I Spy Quilt' all day. Here are a few pics of my labors.
That is Presious in the plastic box. She is will me always every where I go she is there. Also some pics of our snow the other day. I was beautiful and was gone by mid morning. So I still could go shopping. Ha, ha.
I am still excerising every day morning and night. I really enjoy it.
Love and kisses, me

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All,

Well, I did twenty minutes this morning and fifteen tonight on my treadmill. Yeah for me. Bill and I put a shelf in the pantry this afternoon. I am slowly putting things on if from the kitchen. Breadmaker, crocks, etc. Hopefully it will clean up the kitchen a little. My counters will be cleared off. Now I'm tired and going to just rest the rest of the day.

Cindy, you forgot to get the movies. I need to buy some starch so I can try that girls idea. Sounds like it will work.

Love and kisses, me

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All,
Well I was on my treadmill 10 minutes this morning and 20 minutes tonight. I do feel better, your right Cindy. Had a great day today with all the sisters, Dolores and Beverly. Love doing anything involving quilts. I am going to try and do my treadmill every day. I might have just jinks myself. I am going to grab a pop (diet) and go to bed. I think I hurt myself real bad :( on that machine.
Love, me

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All, I am going to give Katie a run for her money on my treadmill. I almost killed myself. You can't get much slower than #1 on this machine. I'm loving it. Did two minutes on it so far, before I broke into a uncontrolable sweat.
Love, me

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All, How beautiful. I love the snow. We have about 5 inches of the white stuff. We just vegged in the house today. Didn't get to our tax appointment, had to reschedule for tomorrow. I have been doing a little quilting and alot of watching TV. I haven't put my treadmill up yet. Bill says tomorrow. It is very heavy. Patty and Randy brought it in from the truck the other day.
See you all Friday.
Love, me

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All,

Went to church today and saw the grandkids and Shannon. Love seeing them. We had Sam with us all day Saturday. Him and Bill went swimming. He went with us when we got my new treadmill. Patty and Randy brought it in the house. Bill and I couldn't have got it out of the truck. It is in the house now and still in the box. Today I have been working on my Fushia built. I have about four quilts going now.

Love, me