Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lindas Life

My sweet Patty is doing cement work by my chicken coop so I don't have to walk in any mud in the winter.

Can you tell what she is saying, ha, ha.

I got a couple of patterns that were cute, I thought.

I am still working on my hand work.
We had a new baby girl the 24th. We are calling her Diamond.

Bill built me another raised bed. This one is 2 by2 by8. It is going to be for my mint that I make tea with. We had a nice ham dinner with Patty and Randy and Brandon to celebrate Bills birthday. He now is as old as me.
Love and kisses, me

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All, Well, it is going to be a long night. Already 1am and I am wide awake. I bought a few new movies and I am going to watch them while I sew. One is called 'Hybrid' and one is called 'Mortal Kombat' and 'Mortal Kombat-annihilation'. I let Patty take two home and of course I don't remember their titles.

I had my brain MRI w/contrast. That means with a shot with stuff going through your brain. I came home and took a nap. I know, I don't believe it either. Me and a shot. Patty with there with me because we took Bill to the doctor the day before with celutites(sp) and he had to stay in bed with his leg elevated. Tomorrow we both should be feeling better.

will write more

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lindas Life

Our first egg from our young chickens.

My raised beds. Cindy, do you see the Creeping Jeanie in the pond?

My window boxes. I have three of them.

Bill made the planter box for me. Mary, thanks again for the great BBQ. You always are a winner at having partys. Two of my chickens are lose so have to go get them. Then it is bed time for the farm girl.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All,

Had so much fun today with my sisters. We did our Pacific Fabric quilt of the month. I even stopped at Material Girls and bought some silk thread. We just had to have it for our hand work.

This evening Bill and I moved up my rhubarb from the green house to my raised beds up by the house. Bill did a bunch of weed eating. It looks pretty nice.

We went to Sew and Vac to ask about our chair and insert. They don't know when it will come. Bill goes in a checks, I can't do stuff like that. He told them that he will check back in a week. He has been going in there every week since we ordered the table. Mary said thats what we need to do.

Love and kisses, me

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All, I'm back. I know it has been awhile but your long wait is over. I made some Lindas McAwesomes. I need that egg mold Mary got to make them perfect. But they did taste good. Precious was there too so had to take her picture for Kimmie to see. She follows me every where.
I'm going to plant some more pumpkins after church tomorrow, and then my little raised beds will be done.
I am starting to make my own bread. I made cinnamon rolls too. It is so easy in the bread maker. More healthy too.
Bill and I have started swimming again. I am enjoying it. I use one of their long tubes that they have there.
later, me

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All,

Well no sleep tonight. I thought old people needed lots of sleep. I have been puttering around in the craft room. I still have many shelves to go through. It is a nice surprise to see things I have forgotten that I bought.

I love my sewing table. It is so big, and my machine goes up and down with a button, or did I tell you that already.

Bill has signed me up to go swimming with him. That will be a good exercise for me.

Well, I think I will go through a few more shelves.

Later, me