Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All,

It is 2:42am and I still can't sleep. What a bummer. Patty came over today and made pumpkin bread and cookies for Thanksgiving while I quilted Chayses quilt on my longarm. I got the quilting done and now I have to do the binding. Patty got all her baking done too. All in all, a very good day. Still no pictures..............sorry....................

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All, Well Bill and I have our christmas shopping done. Yeah. Tomorrow I am going to go to Sharons and make them dinner, or we could call it lunch because it will be around one when we eat. I haven't been over there in awhile because Bill and I have been doing our christmas shopping. Did I tell you, we are done christmas shopping. Yeah.

Maureen- I will give you a call after Thanksgiving. Sounds good to me.

Love, me

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All,

Another night of not sleeping. This time I am going to get up and wrap presents. Bill and I went christmas shopping today and we are going again tomorrow and then we should be done. My tree is up and about half decorated. Wish some grand kids could come over and help me with the tree. I got a new slim pine tree this year, I don't know if I told you all or not. I always put my tree up before Thanksgiving so everyone can see it when they come for turkey dinner.

Bill has been having some trouble with his leg today. I guess that he did too much walking. I will be gentle with him tomorrow when we shop.

My Love Birds had two babies. Any takers in about two weeks. My printer still isn't working. I might have to get a new one and then I can show you pics.

Gayle, I am mailing your Thanksgiving Turkey Button Up tomorrow. Thank you for the Disney ornament. It is on the tree as we speak.

Love, me

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lindas Life

I'm alive, I'm alive. My printer still doesn't work, but I'm alive.