Hi All, We took a few pictures of Sam catching fish. He limited out. Grandpa let him drive the boat too. He was a fishing fool. The fish waited in line to get hooked by Sam.
Also is my corner hutch I bought. The dishes inside are dishes that Patty bought me. They are beautiful.
Cindy, thanks for making the apple struddle. I know you went to alot of trouble. The girls liked it I know. I just have to quit. The 'joke' is over for me. I have to get down.
Katie, I am going to order new chickens this year. Transalvania Naked Necks. Dracula chickens. Chickens lay good for about two years old and mine are going on three. I am going to get 25 straight run. I don't get to choose pullets or cocks. They just send them and I hope I get at least half pullets. Patty and Randy have an incubator, so we can raise our own after we get the first bunch. Or at least, that is our plan.
Maureen, Pattys cat had kittens, three orange and two black. She doesn't know the sexes yet. She is going to take pictures tomorrow and I will send then to you via the blog.
Linda - I love your corner hutch. I had been thinking about putting one in the corner of my dining room but it's a pretty small corner, especially next to the sliding glass door. Sam looks like he's having fun fishing with Grandpa. Memories! He's getting so big. Love all the pictures!
Kittens- Whoooo Hooo. Purfect for Jackson Birthday. Want a tabby for sure.
Love your new hutch, it looks so nice. Heh, lets do lunch before you start dieting! I,m off one day, then on the next. I,m so disgusted with myself. I need a ms. Jones chat, so make the date. I,m open all next week.
Aunt Linda... I need to see new pictures of the kittens... I am sure they are super cute by now.
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