Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All,

Well, I did twenty minutes this morning and fifteen tonight on my treadmill. Yeah for me. Bill and I put a shelf in the pantry this afternoon. I am slowly putting things on if from the kitchen. Breadmaker, crocks, etc. Hopefully it will clean up the kitchen a little. My counters will be cleared off. Now I'm tired and going to just rest the rest of the day.

Cindy, you forgot to get the movies. I need to buy some starch so I can try that girls idea. Sounds like it will work.

Love and kisses, me


Laura said...

Woo Hoo!!!! Yea Aunt Linda!!!!

Katie Ashcraft said...

I don't know auntie Linda, by the sounds of it you may be jogging in the next run with us with the rate you're going AWESOME!!! love ya, Katie

Anonymous said...

Linda - Miss your blogging.