Friday, February 13, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All, I am going to give Katie a run for her money on my treadmill. I almost killed myself. You can't get much slower than #1 on this machine. I'm loving it. Did two minutes on it so far, before I broke into a uncontrolable sweat.
Love, me


Maureen said...


Katie Ashcraft said...

auntie Linda I am SOOO proud of you!!! that is so awesome!!! I sure didn't start out running when I started on my treadmil either! that is sooo awesome!!! do that for a week or two than add another minute or 2, and trust me it may not seem like it but you'll learn to LOVE the uncontrolable sweating... remember my arm?? love ya, Katie!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're going to feel so much better almost immediately. I know I'll never catch up to Katie, but I found my own "zone" (which doesn't include running - just walking). Good job Linda! I still can't believe you got that treadmil in your bedroom.
Love, Cindy

Mary said...


You crack me up!! I love the photos! Keep up the good'll be doing runs with Katie before you know it!

Love ya...Me