Friday, January 16, 2009

Lindas Life

Hi All,

I finished the "Tree of Life" block of my Bible Quilt. I am going to work on my Fushia Quilt now for awhile so will slow down on the Bible quilt.

Went to Sharons today and had a little party for mom. She is 91 years old tomorrow. Love that lady. Cindys blog has pics etc.

I made upside down pizza for dinner tonight. Bill said he loved it. It was pretty good if I do say so myself. So now it is called,'Lindas Upside Down Pizza". Cindy, I know you like that. Ha, ha.

Love, me


Katie Ashcraft said...

that tree is awesome, it is my favorite so far... love ya, Katie

Laura said...

That is so cool! I can't wait to see the whole thing!