Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lindas Life

Hi All,

I haven't blogged in awhile. My back has been giving me trouble. And you know what a baby I can be.

The snow out here is beautiful. We have about 7 inches so far and the big storm is coming tonight.

One of my Leghorns froze last night. We have a light on them but some just get pushed out of the chicken coop. Bart, our rooster, just isn't keep the old hens in line, I guess.

Chayse was over today and spent most of her time at Pattys. She is such a joy to have around. Shannon went christmas shopping and then came and got her.

Bill is taking pics all the time. He loves his new camera and lens.

I am going to lay down for awhile. Give my back a rest. You know, that baby thing.

Merry Christmas, me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your back Linda. I hope you continue to go to Dr. Benson when the weather clears. He really can help. Nice to have you blogging again, even if there are no pictures.
Love, Cindy