Hi All, Well I spent the day quilting on my Bible Quilt. I have decide to make two of them. One for me and one for Dolores. These two blocks are the same. They are called 'Children of Israel' A little bible lesson...Many times the scriptures tell us 'the Children of Istael did evil again in the sight of the Lord'. Over and over, God delivers His people into the hands of their enemies. Again and yet again, the people cry out to God, promising to repent and turn away from worshiping idols and evil deeds. Each time, God raises up a leader to gather the people and lead them back to the Promised Land and the path of righteousness. Each time, the people are obedient for a short time, only to fall back into sin.
Kim...the pictures of the wedding were wonderful.
Katie...I liked your chicken video.
Dolores....are you on your way home?
Gayle..hope the girls are doing fine. I think of them often. Be careful on your trip to Ireland.
did I say 'thimble'?
Love, me